




1. If someone steals and you let him go, you are nursing a tiger in your bosom. 如果有人偷東西而你放過他,你就是在養虎為患。

2. That old man would be as crazy as a monkey to set fire to the house. 那個老人瘋了,放火燒房子。

《21點的最佳策略》21點算牌教學 - 基本策略3. Lately I have been as busy as a bee in a tripe-shop getting my book published. 我最近為了出百家樂投注法之反纜必勝書忙翻了。

4. No matter how hard you tried, this project was a dead horse from the beginning. 不管你多麼努力,這個案子從一開始就注定失敗。

5. I don't think there was any mouse business between John and his secretary. 我認為約翰和他的祕書之間並沒有什麼見不得人的事。

Debugg職業賭徒逢賭必贏的秘訣(新手一定要看。切記!!!) .e百家樂入門d玩輪盤切忌的五種禁忌(下)

1. If someone steals and you let百家樂技巧│百家樂投注之算點法 him go, you are nursing a viper in your bosom.

和玩家們分享個人輪盤賭贏錢的投注方法成語的「養虎為患」,英文譯為nurse a viper in one's bosom、warm a snake in one's bosom,字面意思是「把毒蛇揣在懷裡」。

2. That old man would be as crazy as a loon to set fire to the house.


3. Lately I have been as busy as a cat in a tripe-shop getting my book publish玩輪盤賭過程中如何給莊家下套ed.

As busy as a bee是指「非常忙碌」,但注意這個片語後面接了in a tripe-shop,tripe shop是販賣牛肚等可食用內臟的商店,因此這裡就不能填bee,而是cat。

4. No matter how hard you tried, this project was a dead duck from the beginning.

中文裡有「死馬當活馬醫」的說法,但英文要表示一件事沒有指望、注定失敗,是用dead duck。

5. I don't think there was any monkey business between John and his secretary.

我們會用「鼠竊狗盜」指偷偷摸摸的人或行為,而英文裡指不道德、不合法,如貪汙、詐騙、偷情等情事會用monkey business來形容。




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